This week the purchase contract between EnBW and Siemens Windpower for delivery of 2.3 MW SWP turbines for the Baltic I project in 2010 was published. That agreement was the last pending contract for the construction of the offshore project 13km off the German Baltic coast, which has been developed by wpd and was sold in May last year to German utility EnBW. Wpd stayed on board as project manager responsible for the procurement and construction of the wind farm.
With the Siemens contract signed our procurement work has been successfully finished and the team will concentrate on the execution of the works and the construction in 2010, wpd offshores managing director Achim Berge said. This shows our capability and strategy to not only develop projects on our own, but also to realize projects in cooperation with third parties as in this case an utility Berge commented further. The wpd-offshore team consists of highly experienced specialists coming from the offshore wind industry with projects such as construction of Beatrice (UK), Lillgrunden (SWE) and Alpha Ventus (GER).
wpd develops and operates renewable energy plants (IRPP) on a worldwide scale. wpd along with its subsidiaries is active in 19 countries. The wpd-group has already realized wind farms with around 1,600 wind turbines and an estimated output of 2 GW. Beyond that, wpd acts as a leading European offshore developer with a pipeline of nearly 9,000 MW by permit procedures for 17 offshore-projects. The company is developing offshore-projects in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, France, Italy and UK. Just recently wpd submitted a bid in UK-Offshore-Round 3-Tender.
Christian Schnibbe
– Manager PR & Marketing
wpd think energy
Kurfürstenallee 23a
D-28211 Bremen
tel: +49 (0) 421 168 66 25
mail: c.schnibbe(et)